Born in 1987 in Paris, France.
He lives and works between Paris and Athens.
On all sides of the mirror , 2017
A map is constructed in several layers to accurately define its intermediate territory position. A wall-painting on which its various actors deploy. These intermediate spaces are realized by defocusing its own subject, its own history. Images called “stamps to detour” serve as starting platforms in order to continually expand the map. “The 300 ships gave the globe its new structure”. In this way, René Daumal's expedition is always on the way.
The work of Thibaut De Gialluly expresses an incredible appetite, a need to take over the political thing, a profound necessity to understand the sociological patchwork of the extreme left, a bulimic re-reading of history (to the point of removing his moustache to Hitler or to inventing small groups that never existed). He tries to think, to believe, to fight, to refuse populism on all sides, to question the bicycle wheel of Marcel Duchamp who lost his pedals and to ridicule those that Jean Dubuffet called "s Sorting agents. ". The "assemblages" of de Gialluly, are composed of drawings, texts, and photographs, as mental territories, cartographies of the history of thought and political action, puzzles of which no piece really corresponds to another; a dramatic vision of the world, with different borders from those we know.
2016: Group Show Rainbow ranch hand, FRAC Nord pas de Calais, Dunkirk; FIAC, Municipal Fund, City of Paris; Group show, Aline Vidal Gallery, Paris; Hidden Garden, the Mondays of the Pavilion, Cité internationale des arts, Paris; Per Monstra, ad Astra, Michel Journiac Gallery, Paris; Double Je, Palais de Tokyo, Paris; L’image dans le tapis, 22RUEMULLER, Paris; 2015: FFOMECBLOT, Clovis XV, Brussel, Belgium; Family Matters II, De la charge, Brussels, Belgium; Elevations, Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval, Hautes-rives, France.

On all sides of the mirror, 2017 (back), photo credit : Kate Motyleva
On all sides of the mirror, 2017 sketch

On all sides of the mirror, 2017 (front), photo credit : Kate Motyleva